Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Back on track...

Well, well, well.....I started this blog 6 months ago with all the intentions of writing regular posts and I failed miserably. I wanted to write about my perspectives on a variety of "life" things and I came out of the gate ready to fly around the track and WHAM, I hit a brick wall. I love to write and have hundreds of stories rambling around in my head but for some reason, the thoughts in my head could not find their way, via my heart, to here. 2012, much like 2011, was a year of change and adjustments but honestly, what year isn't full of change and adjustments! So, what is my perspective on change and adjustments? For starters, life is going to be full of ups and downs, curves in the road, roadblocks, detours, washed out bridges, traffic jams and the list goes on and on. We have a choice- we can choose to let those obstacles frustrate and defeat us or we can keep pushing through them, find ways around them, build new bridges or sometimes, turn on your 4 wheel drive self and make your own road. The most important part of our decision is to "do something"- for those of you who are Andy Andrews fans, you'll understand that statement. I've never been one to sit around and wait to see what is going to happen and hopefully that gene has passed on to my kids. I'm going to do a better job at this blog thing this year and hopefully share some perspectives on things that encourage and inspire- at times they might frustrate or irritate but that's the great thing about a blog- if the latter occurs then leave a comment, it might spark a great conversation! As I reflect back on 2012, the word that keeps coming to mind is, blessed. I am blessed to be the mother of Andrew, a US Marine (no other words needed), I am blessed to be the mother of Katie, a daughter who has more strength and beauty than anyone else I know and I am blessed by the faith and character of Matt, my oldest son. I am blessed to be the mother-in-love of  two incredible individuals, Nate and Jenny. Their determination, faith and love overwhelm me at times. As we begin this new year, may you all find ways to make a difference in the lives of others, be bold to be yourself and make a choice to "do something" each day! In the words of something my daughter wrote years ago, "just because you can't see the picture, doesn't mean God isn't painting it".....Keep the Faith and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I'm going to follow your blog. I started mine, actually 2 of them (again) today. One will be my journey to my 50th birthday and the other is just the wisdom of life we learn as mom's, wives and women on an amazing journey God has set before us. I look forward to your perspectives!
    Love you for the Godly woman you are!
